Monday 23 July 2012

20 High Paying , High CPC Google Adsense Keywords For Publishers

In this post you can find Top 20 List Of Highest Paying , High CPC , Most Expensive Google adsense keywords that have high advertisers and huge earnings . Try to write few articles with using below keyword topics to increase your ad sense earnings and revenue .

Insurance - Around 50$ Cost Per Click
Electricity – Around 50$ Cost Per Click
Loans – Avg. 40$ CPC
Conference Call – 42$ per click on average
Attorney – 45 Dollars
Lawyer – 40$
Mortgage - 47$
Recovery - 40$ Around
Web Hosting – 30$ CPC
Rehab – 33 Dollars
Classes – 35$
Claim - 45
Donate - 40
Trading – 30$
Transfer – 25$
Software – 25$
Online Degree – 30$
Electricity – 30

5 tips to get traffic and money with using High Paying Adsense keywords 

  1. First of all create few high quality back links from do follow sites to get good ranking for your site .
  2. Try to improve search engine results page also called as SERP ranking . its very useful to improve your traffic .
  3. After getting good ranking in Google search then write few articles with using above keyword topics . Finally you will get targeted traffic to your blog , then your adsense earnings will double very rapidly .
  4. Finally enjoy your ad adsence earnings.

Thursday 19 July 2012

How To Place Adsense ads Below Post Title in Blogger

This tutorial is dedicated to Adsense Publishers. Many of them asked me on how to place the Adsense ad below the title of the Blogger post.

Everybody on the Internet world owning a website love to earn some money from Adsense ads. People are finding various ways daily to get good click through rate for their ads placed on their website. Some people already know the trick in the ad placement. Some do not know where to place their Adsense ads.
I see that some people place their Adsense ads under the footer, which is of no use.

Before we hang on with the tutorial, I would like you guys to know the heat map for Adsense ad Placement as shown below:

Red - The red box above the post content is where we are going to concentrate on in this post. Best place to place your ads to get lots of clicks including accidental clicks. (BELOW TITLE/BELOW NAVIGATION BAR).

Pink - These boxes are good enough to get some clicks.

lightest pink(grey)- These boxes do have some click possiblities but not as good as red and pink.
Other places do not have any click possiblities like below the footer, under the right sidebar, top right corner on the header.

To know more on the heat map, please refer to Google's original heat map.

Important: You need to generate the ad code from Adsense beforehand. I've already taught the tutorial in the last post on how to generate an Adsense ad code from Google Adsense and along with encoding the Adsense ad code using the Adsense ad code converter.

Items Required:
1. Adsense ad code converter or generator to encode the Adsense code.
2. Converted Adsense Ad Code.
Tutorial to place the Adsense ad below the post title:

1. Once you have got the converted code from the Adsense Code Converter, we are ready to proceed for the next step.

2. Log in to BLOGGER DASHBOARD > Select the Blog > Template > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Template.

3. Search for (Ctrl+F) - <p><data:post.body/></p> or<data:post.body/>
Just above it place the converted Adsense Ad code. You can preview the ad before saving. Save the Template. You are done!!
Note:There can be 2 TO 3 codes like <p><data:post.body/></p> or<data:post.body/> in the html code check and test at all places.
probabilly at first code its self will work.

What Happens Now?

The ads will start appearing on your landing home page, under the post titles. If you have set more than 3 posts to be displayed under your home page, then the 4th post will have some blank spaces making it look ugly. Adsense policy says that you can only have 3 ads displayed per page.
There are bloggers out there who put the ads only in the individual article landing page.
How to implement the trick?

We now need to display the ads under the post title only in the article page.
To implement the trick you need to modify the converted code in the red area

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>Encoded/Converted Adsense Ad code here</b:if> Place the above code just above <p><data:post.body/></p> or <data:post.body/>

The final code should look like as shown below:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>Encoded/Converted Adsense Ad code here</b:if> 

Save the template!!! View the ads only on the individual post articles.

How to Float/Blend the Adsense Ads on the Right or Left of your Text?

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div style='float:left;padding:5px;'> 
Encoded/Converted Adsense Ad code here

Place this just above <p><data:post.body/></p> or <data:post.body/>

Change value Left to right to make the ad float on right side of the text in every post page.
It is the best your ads in each post instead of placing them in the front page for better click through rates. 

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or any other suggestions, please let me know would love to include that too for our readers.

Blogger Adsense Ad Code Converter

In new blogger templates, direct adsense integration into blogger template wont work fine. Adsense code script when run directly from a template won’t give desired ads instead display blank space. To solve this problem we need to change the html > < into HTML entities. Blogger Ad Code Converter will change the desired entities and that will help you to add adsense codes inside blogger templates. Blogger Ad Code converter work with chitika ads as well as adbrite ads.

Blogger Adsense Ad Code Converter tool


Steps For Using Blogger Ad Code Converter Tool

1. Create A new adsense using your adsense account.
2. Copy paste new adsense code in to the Blogger Adsense Ad code converter tool and Click Convert your ad code.
3. Now you can copy paste the same code anywhere in your blogger template.

Simple Method To Approved Adsense Account By Using

hi guys.....this is one of my best article which i have written Sofar....Now a days it is difficult to get an adsense account with a blog. Google has changed their terms and policy for publishers. So it is a great headache to get an adsense account. You already know google is the boss in internet advertising, so you need an account. Do not cast down, there is a easy way. 

Go to and sign up with your full detail. By becoming Docstoc member you can upload .doc, .xls, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .docx, .ppt, .pps, .xlsx, and .ppts files. Docstoc shares 50% of your revenue via Adsense with DocCash, that means you will get the payment from Google, not from DocStoc. 

It has many other advantages. 

        It helps you to create free high quality back links to your sites, blogs, hubs, lens, etc, remember its current page rank is 8. Do not worry if you have no web site. It is not a problem to get adsence account in docstoc. It has no limit for uploading. So more uploading means more chance of income. 
Four things you should know about getting adsense account by docstoc are
  1. Give your detail information.
  2. At least publish 6 copyright violation free documents.
  3. Make proper of your uploaded filesTitle, Description & Tags .
  4. Allow Docstoc to access to your adsense account during application.
if you have done metioned above, your adsense account will be activated with in 2-3 days.One thing never try.Do not click on your ads. Google does not like it. you will be banned.
Have a ADSENSE ACCOUNT.......ENJOY.........

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Another Highest Paying Google Adsense Keywords List

Another Highest Paying Google Adsense Keywords List

Dont you want to earn extra money for every click in Google Adsense. The secret is to have some high paying Adsense keywords which pay a high cost per click.

CyberWyre provides a list of Highest Paying Search Terms that includes the current Top 230 paying search keywords. You too can determine how much your keywords and phrases cost per click using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. The Keyword Tool generates potential keywords for your campaigns and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and global traffic trends.

The top 5 high paying keywords still pay more than $45 per click as per their post.
$54.33 mesothelioma lawyers
$47.79 what is mesothelioma
$47.72 peritoneal mesothelioma
$47.25 consolidate loans
$47.16 refinancing mortgage
Read more about using High Paying Keywords on Adsense to Make Money. Remember, there are no confirmed lists ablout top Adsense keywords. And the cost per click is a dynamic automated system, that keeps changing over time. Do not create keywords stuffed pages just to make more money. Great content is what keep readers / visitors comming back and pay in the long term…

Optimize Google Adsense For Blogs

Optimize Google Adsense For Blogs

How many times have you tried altering the placement of your Google Adsense ads to get a better click through rate and make extra money.

Google Adsense blog’s article Blogtimize presents some tips that will help you place the ads on your blogs better and get a higher CTR and earn more money.

Using these images they demonstrate the best position for your ad units. And other notable tips are Choose the right ad formats, Place ads where your readers will notice, Improve targeting and Customize your ad colors.

Pay Income Tax on Google Adsense Revenue

Pay Income Tax on Google Adsense Revenue

If you earn a good income from your Google Adsense ads, then paying taxes is essential and tax planning is required.

Google AdSense Tax Information page provides detailed information about how tax-related information is processed from all AdSense publishers. You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining accurate tax information associated with your account. Google collects tax-related information from all AdSense publishers. They say your tax information is being collected in compliance with U.S. tax laws, and will be securely stored, encrypted, and used for tax purposes only.

It is the responsibility of each publisher to understand and adhere to the appropriate tax rules. Until they receive your tax information, Google might hold all your payments.

For tax purposes, requirements vary depending on if you are a U.S. Business, Non U.S. Business (No U.S. Activities) or Non U.S. Business with U.S. Activities. Your tax information can be submitted from your publisher account at the ‘Tax information’ page. For more information regarding U.S. tax requirements, visit the IRS website.

Adsense Taxes is a free resource providing more information on paying Income Tax on Google Adsense Revenue. You should always consult your tax advisor to help about how tax laws and regulations apply to you and/or your business. Tax or investment advice is essential to make profits and keep them.

Google AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites

Google AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites

You can share your Google Adsense ID on several other websites and earn money besides clicks on your own websites.

Admoolah has compiled such a list of Google AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites which allow you to share your Adsense ID and make extra money from clicks and traffic of these sites.

I was only aware of DigitalPoint Forums offering “If a user has an AdSense account, they have the ability to credit their account with the ads served on threads they start or participate in.” and Simpy which offers “All earnings from such ads go to members, as their Ids are used to display ads. The same may soon start happening on the search results page, and on the user profile page, once that is ready. Your page, your data, your ads, your money.” But the Admoolah list is long enough to check out.

Before you get greedy for money, the bottomline is as they say to “thoroughly investigate the legitimacy of each site before handing over your AdSense ID to them.” Google Adsense is a wonderful source of income and you do need to take care thatwhere your ID is not misused. Always check with the Google Adsense Terms & Conditions, Program Policies and FAQ before proceeding.

Official Google Adsense Preview Tool

Official Google Adsense Preview Tool

 Ever wonder what Google Adsense ads are being shown for a particular webpage in US or the UK or India?

We know that Google Adsense is a form of contextual advertising, meaning that ads are targetted to your content. They are also geotargeted to your visitor location, such that ads shown in Canada or India are different. Google AdSense preview tool lets you select a geo-targeted location for which to display ads. Selecting Auto from the menu will show ads targeted to your current location.

The ads displayed in the AdSense preview tool are sample ads, based on standard AdSense targeting and filtering. The AdSense preview tool respects the block list of the publisher on whose page you’ve clicked. If your ad code is nested within frames, you may need to right-click from within the frame containing your code.

The benefit is that clicks and impressions from the preview tool are not applied to the advertiser’s account. You can click through to the target site without worrying about invalid clicks being generated on your account. So you can visit the ads which display on your site.

You can then easily copy and paste the URLs into your account’s competitive ad filter list to block any undesired ads. The Choose Options menu lets you select different ad formats and geo-targeted locations for the ads displayed within the preview tool. The Choose Colors menu allows you to preview new colors and temporarily apply the color selections to any existing standard ad unit on the current web page.

The limitation is that the Adsense preview tool is only available for Windows versions of Internet Explorer version 6 and above. To install it, you’ll need to add a registry file to your Windows system and is available here.

Google Adsense and Adwords Smart Pricing

Google Adsense and Adwords Smart Pricing

Have you noticed that Google Adsense and Adwords advertising program varies cost per click depending on several variables, aptly called Smart Pricing.

Google Adwords help center describes how smart pricing works -
“Google’s smart pricing feature automatically adjusts the cost of a keyword-targeted content click. So if our data shows that a click from a content page is less likely to turn into actionable business results – such as online sales, registrations, phone calls, or newsletter signups – we reduce the price you pay for that click. With no extra effort for you, Google technology helps ensure you get strong ROI from your AdWords advertising, wherever your ads appear.”
This implies that Google may reduce the cost for a click if that better reflects the value it brings to advertisers. So a similar click on the same ad may earn you a considerably different amount depending on your site.

Jensense has another scoop when one support team member disclosed more details than perhaps he or she should have.
“Here is what that team member disclosed, as well as other tidbits already known about smart pricing.
  • Smart pricing affects an entire account. It is not on a per page or per site basis.
  • One poorly converting site can result in smart pricing impacting an entire account, even sites completely unrelated to the poorly converting one.
  • Smart pricing is evaluated each week. So removing ads from sites you suspect are converting poorly could result in seeing an adjustment to a higher smart pricing percent in as little as a week.
  • Smart pricing is tracked with a 30 day cookie, so you could be rewarded for new conversions that saw the initial click from your site up to 29 days earlier.
  • Image ads are also affected by smart pricing.
  • With smart pricing, an advertiser could end up paying less than their minimum bid, which would theoretically include the minimum bid price available, meaning publishers earn less for even the minimum valued clicks.
  • Conversions for smart pricing publisher accounts are tracked by those advertisers who have opted into AdWords Conversion Tracking
So, should you be removing Google AdSense from sites they suspect are converting poorly, in order to increase their smart pricing percentage?